What is Pixels?


Lets first talk about pixels on the screen.

    The name "Pixel" is made from "Picture element", Pixels are the small dots or elements that makeup all our screens.

    Our screen is made by putting millions - millions of pixels together in a matrix. You can also understand very small bulbs of pixels that make any picture on our screen by running in different colors.


        This is a Dot Matrix display with LEDs in an 8 × 8 matrix. In this kind of display, LEDs in different colors can burn anything on the display. We can call these LEDs or Dots Pixels.

        So to say that this is the smallest unit of Pixels display, and we can name our screen in pixels. This display is of 8X8.

        The display of the low range mobile is usually 320 × 480 pixels, now so many pixels are placed in such a small area that our eyes cannot even see a single pixel.

        There are so many pixels on the screen, we call them resolution, such as 640 × 480 which is 640 pixels to horizontally and 480 pixels vertically. And the higher the screen resolution, the higher will be the quality of the screen.

        You may have noticed that Printer 3 can print any kind of image using colors. Likewise, a pixel also needs 3 colors to shine in any kind of range, these are called RGB (Red-Green-Blue).


    Putting a lens on the screen of the iPhone 6 looks like this. And you can see that each pixel is made by mixing 3 colors.


    What are MegaPixels in Camera?



A 1MP or 1 MegaPixel has 10,00,000 (1 million) pixels. Any digital image is made by combining these Pixels. The more pixels there are, the higher the image quality will be.


    The resolution of any digital camera or mobile camera is measured in megapixels. If a mobile has an 8-megapixel camera, it means that the camera can capture a photo of 80 Lakh pixels.

        The screen of our mobile can tell the difference in the image of 3-4 megapixels. But after that, all the images look the same without zooming in because they are not so many pixels on our mobile. When we zoom a photo more on our mobile, its pixels start to appear (this is also called image bursting by many people.). But you can see the difference on a laptop such as an enlarged screen in 5 and 8-megapixel photos.

    A camera with more megapixels produces a larger size image because it has more pixels, if you want to click a smaller photo than a good camera, you can work in your camera's MP camera settings.

What is Megapixel? How many megapixels is required for the camera?

    We need Megapixel whenever a new smartphone or digital camera is required.

    Megapixels provide information about the resolution of a camera, which indicates how much detail your camera can capture.

        Now you may be wondering if a camera can take great photos due to the higher resolution?

        You would think that a 108-megapixel camera phone is always better than 12 megapixels?

                The answer is "yes" and "no".

        It has been spread through advertisements in India that more megapixels mean better camera phones.

        So before buying a camera, everyone first asks about the resolution.

            Know that megapixels do not increase the quality of a photo.

        This shows how much crop you can crop your photo and how big it can print.

        To fully understand megapixels, you have to know how they affect the photo and how much resolution is required for you?