What are digital signatures and How does it work?

Digital Signature

Digital Signature

            Through many parts of the world, including India, the European Union, and the United States, digital signature has been adopted as a way to implement electronic signatures considered legally binding.

        Uses a digital signature (DS) to assist in the authentication of the author of digital data using cryptographic algorithms, such as documents, e-mail, and macros.


Table of Contents

• Digital Signature 

o Digital Signature Meaning 

o How Digital Signatures Work?

o Why Digital Signatures is Important?

o What is a Digital Signature Certificate (DSC)?

o Where is the need for Digital Signature Certificate (DSC)?

o How Can One Get Digital Signature?

o Classes Of Digital Signature

o What is the legal Validity of Digital Signature Certificate (DSC’s)?

o How Digital Signatures Works?

Digital Signature 

        A magical technique that validates the authenticity and integrity of a message, software, or digital document.

                Digital Signature is equivalent to a handwritten signature or stamp seal, but it solves the problem of tampering and impersonation in digital communications.

        Digital Signature provides additional assurance of proof of origin, identity, and status of electronic documents, transactions or messages, as well as accepting informed consent by the signer (signer).


How Digital Signatures Work?

        Working of Digital Signature Hindi - Digital Signatures are among the most important components of an e-signature program, and they follow security, legal validity, and record management efficiency when using electronic signing methods.



Why Digital Signatures is Important?

        Important of Digital Signature Hindi - Here are three important reasons why Digital Signatures are very important:

i) Message authentication:

    When the Verifier validates the Digital Signature with the Sender key PUBLIC key, it is convinced that the signature has been created only by the Sender.


ii) Cut costs:

    Paper and printing can be expensive. Digital Signature can save money by reducing paper waste.

This will not only reduce the cost of printing, but will also reduce costs related to actual procurement and processing of Confidential files.

Iii) Improve Digital Workflow And Save Time:

        Sometimes it takes several days to get a document. With digital signature, documents can be sent instantly anytime, anywhere. This saves a lot of time.


What is a Digital Signature Certificate (DSC)?

         Digital Signature certifies an electronic document in the same way that a document can be authenticated by hand.

        The Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) can be presented to prove identity electronically, to access services over the Internet, or to digitally sign on digital documents.

        Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) provides high-level security to the information exchange happening in online transactions.

        In the DSC, the identity of the user (name, PIN code, country, email address, date of issue of the certificate, and certified authority
